Saturday, May 25, 2013

Overcoming Negativity Can Build Success

Overcoming negativity is a major step towards building your self esteem.  Many of the symptoms of low self esteem such as feelings of unworthiness, lack of self-confidence and depression can be controlled by living a life of positive thinking.

“That initial thought, if given residence in the mind, is the spark that ignites the action.  And success or failure depends on whether that thought is positive or negative.”This quote from Norman Vincent Peale in his book The Power of Positive Living shows the magnitude of our thinking.  This also reveals why so many people with low self esteem fail to excel or live satisfying and fulfilling lives.  The negative thoughts they constantly speak to themselves determine their fate even before the action is taken. 

Thus, if you say to yourself, “I’m not smart enough,” you will subconsciously behave that way.  If you say to yourself, “I’m going to lose” then your chances of winning are slim to none.  Speaking such negativity makes success almost impossible and overcoming difficulties and hardships can end in defeat. On the other hand, thinking, “I am smart” or “I am going to win,” greatly increases your chances of success.

However, many have been practicing this very bad habit of negativity for quite some time.  Overcoming negativity can be difficult for them because it is so deeply rooted in their every thought.  What is the solution? “The best way, I’ve found to eliminate negative thought is to instantly supplant it with a positive thought.”  This is how the once shy and ill confident Norman Peale took control of his negativity.  You can take control as well by making it a practice to think positively.  Sometimes negativity will creep up into your thoughts, but by immediately thinking positively you will eventually begin to think and act in a healthier fashion.

Here is a great story that Dr. Peale told in his Power of Positive Living book.  It shows that overcoming negativity in your life can bring great success.  It starts out with a gentleman who just came out of the army.  He had great intentions to build a better life for himself and his family.  However, the more he tried to build a successful business the more his situation grew out of control. Filled with feelings of negativity he started to gamble his life away and became an addict.  Overcoming his addiction seemed impossible, not to mention that he was now jobless and deeply in debt.  He was on the verge of committing suicide but fortunately decided to end his gambling addiction by joining a support group for addicts.

He eventually gave up his gambling habits and began living a life of positivity.  By overcoming a lifestyle of negativity he was able to get his dignity back and build his self esteem.  He is now a vice president and treasurer of an insurance company.

What an inspiring story!  Instead of taking his life he realized that overcoming negativity was the answer to living a happy and successful life.

No matter how difficult life may be or how many mistakes you have made, overcoming negativity can give you the fulfillment and contentment that you have only dreamed about.  All you have to do is get in the habit of thinking positively at all times.

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