Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Self Knowledge- How to Know Who You Really Are

Self Knowledge is one of the most important foundations to building a better self-esteem.  Without knowledge of self it is impossible to make the needed adjustments in your life.  Self-knowledge helps you to know what makes you tick and why you are inclined to behave the way you do. This being said, how can you find out who you truly are?


The best way to acquire self-knowledge is through your experiences.  As Sydney Smith said, “To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.”  Therefore, by getting involved in different activities you will begin to understand your likes and dislikes, what makes you cheerful or depressed. 

A woman looking for a mate learns what she prefers in a man by dating.  By observing different personalities she gains self-knowledge, what she likes and dislikes about a man.  She can then make her decision based on a certain set of standards that she has set for herself.

A child gains self-knowledge of his skills by participating in various activities such as sports clubs, arts, crafts, or volunteer work.  These activities teach the child what they excel in and enjoy the most.

That is why it is essential to always live a life of productivity.  Participate in as many activities as possible.  This is how self knowledge increases. Then you can make adjustments to build your self-esteem.  Your self esteem will grow especially when you indulge yourself in experiences that you have the passion and talent for.  This triggers a sense of pride and accomplishment because you know that you are capable of doing great things.

Now that you know that experience is one of the key to self-knowledge let’s explore another avenue that is equally effective.


Sometimes you might overlook certain aspects of yourself.  You go through life without knowledge of this part of the self until you notice a friend or other has the same trait or habit.  You observe and say, “Wow! I didn’t know that about myself.”  This often occurs with children once they have reached adulthood.  As time passes they realize that the same habits that they couldn’t stand about their parents often surface without knowledge.  Their actions, many times, catch them by surprise.  Sometimes low self esteem might even be caused by the habits that you observe in your parents.  Once these habits are realized, however, you can make the necessary adjustments to avoid those negative traits or habits.

However, you would not have known about these flaws without some reflection.  Therefore, it is important to take the time to observe others actions and personalities.  Then you will gain a true understanding of yourself.


In other situations you will get feedback from what others observe about you that you were not aware of.  This can be the most difficult of all the methods of gaining self-knowledge, especially when it is negative.   Instead of instantly denying and becoming defensive take an honest look at yourself.  Is what they are saying legitimate?  If so, you now have a better understanding of yourself and what you need to work on.  If not, just dismiss what they are saying.

Remember that growth is a necessary part of building self esteem but you have to know what to work on.  Self-knowledge will help you to do this.  Experience life and be productive.  Observe and listen to people around you.  Doing these things will help you to make positive steps towards your journey for a healthy self esteem.

1 comment:

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    Building Self Esteem
